Sunday, November 20, 2005

Idle hands are...

Several of the needleworkers of the diocese of Missouri sat together for convention. There were others sprinkled throughout the hall, none male as far as I could see. I think it helps me to focus on what is going, helps me to feel productive when what is going on is not terribly constructive and it also makes me think twice before going to a microphone, lest I find myself all tangled up in my knitting. The sock was in attendance at convention but preferred to stay in the room.


Emily said...

Oh, I love it. Convention knitters, unite!

Is Teresa working on something as well? I can't quite tell from the photo.

Lydia Agnew Speller said...

If you look closely, you can see that Teresa has a red piece of crocheting in her hands. Lynn, in the pink sweater, one of St Mark's lay delegates is also knitting.

Emily said...

I thought that was a crochet hook but I wasn't sure.